Cat’s Eye (लहसुनिया) Gemstone : A Comprehensive Guide

Many a time people have become unwilling victims of others’ envy, evil glances and other kinds of negative energies emanating from them. That is why astrologers have always suggested to such kind of people to…

Many a time people have become unwilling victims of others’ envy, evil glances and other kinds of negative energies emanating from them. That is why astrologers have always suggested to such kind of people to wear a ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone to ward off all kinds of negative energies coming towards them. ‘Cat’s Eye’, or ‘Chrysoberyl’, in ‘The Greek language, according to geological reports, is made from quartz crystals which are found in either clefts or caverns in the mountains.

Furthermore, also according to reports, it is believed to exhibit a unique ability to change its lustre or colour according to the light falling on it. The most common colours of a ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone are Grey, Black, Honey and Yellowish Green. There is a lot of historical and metaphysical significance attached to a ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone.

Let’s take a look at what is a ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone, what are its benefits, who should wear it and what are the price ranges for a ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone.

what is Cat’s Eye (लहसुनिया) ?

In simple terms, a ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone can be defined as a Synthetic gemstone that is made from high-quality glass fibre. A ‘Cat’s Eye’ is unique in itself because of its ability to change its lustre or colour according to the intensity of light falling on it. This quality is attributed to certain characteristics already present in the natural gemstone. That’s why it is also referred to as ‘Chrysoberyl’, in the ‘Greek language, as earlier mentioned.

Significance of Cat’s Eye stone:

In ‘Vedic Astrology’, ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone is associated with the planet ‘Ketu’. Also according to ‘Astrology’, it is believed that a ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone is quite beneficial to minimise the malefic influences of the planet ‘Ketu’. It is also believed that wearing a ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone acts as a talisman to ward off evil effects and also acts as a protection against any unforeseen danger.

Benefits of wearing Cat’s Eye gemstone:

As we all know by now the significance of a ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone because of its association with the planet ‘Ketu’. Therefore, let’s take a look at some of the significant benefits of wearing a ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone.

  • ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone is believed to be extremely beneficial for eye disorders.
  • It is also believed to be helpful in creative imagination and it also increases intellect, positivity and concentration of the mind.
  • In ‘Vedic Astrology, it is believed to be useful in the promotion of inner mental peace and in attaining qualities like self-confidence, generosity, and far-sightedness.
  • It is also believed to be beneficial in post-traumatic recovery.
  • ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone is extremely helpful in regulating blood sugar.
  • It helps develop mental abilities such as intuitive capabilities of the wearer.
  • It is known to bring fortune, fame, luxuries etc to the wearer.
  • It is believed that wearing a ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone helps in protecting the wearer from the negative effects of jealousies of other people; also, it acts as a powerful shield against any kind of negative ‘Supernatural’ energies.
  • As per ‘Vedic Astrology’, wearing a ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone is helpful in awakening the spiritual abilities of a person and attaining a higher self.

Who Should Wear Cat’s Eye Gemstone?

The next logical question that comes to mind is who should wear a ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone?

It is believed to neutralise the ill effects of the planet ‘Ketu’. As per Vedic Astrology, the following information is considered very significant for those who should wear a ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone:

  • According to ‘Hindu Astrology’, people who are having the planet ‘Ketu’ in the ‘1st’, ‘3rd’, ‘4th’, and also the ‘5th’, ‘9th’ and the ‘10th’ house in their horoscopes, should wear the ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone.
  • If the planet ‘Ketu’ is in alignment with the ‘Sun’, then also it should be worn.
  • It is considered auspicious if the position of the planet ‘Ketu’ is in alliance with the lord of the ‘Fifth House’ in the horoscope. Then astrologers suggest wearing a ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone.
  • Wearing a ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone will be beneficial if ‘Antardasha’ and ‘Mahadasha’ are going on in a person’s life.
  • If someone is suffering from mental stress, then wearing a ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone is considered extremely beneficial for that person.

Cat’s Eye Gemstone Price:

Due to the semi-precious nature of the ‘Cat’s Eye gemstone it is a very desirable item to possess. It is also believed to be very rare which affects the price of the gemstone. According to reports, the price of a ‘Cat’s Eye’ gemstone can range anywhere from ‘1,000 Rupees to 10,000 Rupees per Carat.

So, as can be seen, wearing a ‘Cat’s Eye’ gemstone is considered very beneficial in warding off the negative energies of other people; and also, it is considered very significant in developing the overall personality of the wearer.

Related Guides:

  1. “The Fascinating World of Cat’s Eye Gemstones: A Beginner’s Guide”
  2. “The History and Meaning of Cat’s Eye Gemstones”
  3. “How to Identify and Evaluate Cat’s Eye Gemstones”
  4. “The Many Colors and Varieties of Cat’s Eye Gemstones”
  5. “The Astrological Significance of Cat’s Eye Gemstones”
  6. “The Healing Properties of Cat’s Eye Gemstones”
  7. “Cat’s Eye Gemstones in Jewelry: Tips and Tricks for Wear and Care”
  8. “The Best Ways to Incorporate Cat’s Eye Gemstones into Your Wardrobe”
  9. “The Cultural Significance of Cat’s Eye Gemstones Around the World”
  10. “Famous Cat’s Eye Gemstones in History and Pop Culture”

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