Unlock the Secrets of Coral Red Gemstone: A Comprehensive Guide

The ‘Coral Red’ gemstone, or the ‘Moonga’ gemstone in Hindi, is considered one of the most sacred gemstones in India. This is a natural gemstone that is usually found in the depths of the sea…

The ‘Coral Red’ gemstone, or the ‘Moonga’ gemstone in Hindi, is considered one of the most sacred gemstones in India. This is a natural gemstone that is usually found in the depths of the sea and is believed to be formed by deep-sea animal species called ‘Sea-Polyps’. A Coral Red is found in varying ranges of red colour; from reddish pink to pale pink, deep-sea red etc.

This gemstone is also considered one of the most powerful gemstones in the ‘Navratna Family of Gemstones‘. A Coral Red gemstone is mostly found in oval shapes and is used generally in the making of rings, pendants etc. Let’s now take a look at the significance of ‘Coral Red’, its benefits, who can wear a ‘Coral Red’ gemstone, what are the price ranges and what can be its side effects.

Significance of Coral Red Gemstone:

The ‘Coral Red’ or ‘Moonga’ gemstone is considered very sacred and powerful because of its association with the planet ‘Mars’. The planet ‘Mars’ is also considered the ‘god of vitality, courage and energy’ as per Vedic Astrology. It is also believed in Hindu mythology that the red colour of ‘Mars’ is symbolic of the blood coursing through our veins, and is also associated with perseverance in our lives. Furthermore, the planet ‘Mars’ is also known as “Angarak” and “son of earth”, because of its proximity to earth. ‘Coral Red’ or ‘Moonga’ gemstone has a very deep historical and mythological significance in world cultures also.

Benefits of Wearing Coral Red (Moonga) Gemstone:

As has been mentioned earlier, ‘Coral Red’ or ‘Moonga’ gemstone has a deep significance in ‘Vedic Astrology.

Let’s take a look at some of the significant benefits of ‘Coral Red’ or ‘Moonga’ gemstones.

  • ‘Coral Red’ or ‘Moonga’ gemstone is considered to be symbolic of energy and vitality.
  • It is believed to instil confidence and courage in the wearer.
  • ‘Moonga’ or ‘Coral Red’ gemstone is also considered a very beneficial gemstone for people suffering from the ‘Manglik Dosh’. It helps bring positivity to the life of the wearer.
  • As per Vedic Astrology, it is considered a powerful gemstone and is believed to be very beneficial in tackling the difficult situations of life with a strong resolve and self–respect.
  • It is particularly believed to be beneficial in blood circulation and heart functions.
  • It helps in driving out negativity and embracing peace and positivity in life.
  • It is believed to be especially beneficial in managing finances, professional growth and in building leadership skills.

Who can wear a Coral Red (Moonga) Gemstone:

It is now known that ‘Coral Red’ or ‘Moonga’ gemstone is associated with the planet ‘Mars’. This is also considered one of the most powerful gemstones in the gemstone family.

According to astrologers, people who have the planet ‘Mars’ as their main planet, and it is placed in the 7th, 9th, or 10th house should go for wearing this ‘Coral Red’, or ‘Moonga gemstone. Also, people having ‘Aries’ or ‘Scorpio’ as sun signs can go for this gemstone.

Side-effects of Wearing a wrong Coral Red (Moonga) Gemstone:

There is a very high probability of having a side-effect from wearing this gemstone if an astrologer is not consulted before. Therefore, it is advised that one should consult an astrologer or a gemologist before wearing this gemstone. Some of the significant side-effects of wearing this gemstone are:

  • Wearing a ‘Coral Red’ gemstone without the advice of an astrologer might lead to health problems.
  • It is also believed that it might lead to blood-related health issues.
  • It is believed as per astrology, that if worn incorrectly, without the consent of an astrologer, then it might lead to anger issues and aggressive behaviour.
  • As per Hindu Mythology, it is associated with the planet ‘Mars’; therefore it should only be worn to neutralise the ill effects of the planet ‘Mars’.

Cora Red (Moonga) Gemstone Price:

A ‘Coral Red’ or ‘Moonga’ gemstone can have varying price ranges based on its shapes and sizes. Another aspect that affects the price quotient as it is believed to be a very rare gemstone. According to reports, the price of a ‘Coral Red or ‘Moonga’ gemstone can vary from ‘One Thousand Rupees to Five Thousand Rupees (1,000/- to 5,000/-) per carat depending upon the size.

Related Guides:

  1. “The Ultimate Guide to Coral Red: History, Meaning, and Uses”
  2. “Why Coral Red is the Perfect Shade for Your Home Decor”
  3. “The Fascinating History of Coral Red in Art and Culture”
  4. “How to Style Coral Red: Tips and Tricks from the Experts”
  5. “The Healing Powers of Coral Red: A Closer Look”
  6. “The Top Trends in Coral Red Fashion for the New Year”
  7. “Coral Red Makeup: How to Rock the Trend”
  8. “The Best Coral Red Accessories for Every Occasion”
  9. “Coral Red Wedding Inspiration: Ideas for Your Big Day”
  10. “Coral Red in Interior Design: How to Incorporate the Shade into Your Space”

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