Diamond: The Epitome of Luxury Since Ages

It is rightly said and believed that Diamonds are a woman’s best friend, and this sentiment is shared by women all over the world. The   iconic ‘Hollywood’ movie ‘Diamonds are Forever also immortalized the deep significance of a diamond. So, the…

It is rightly said and believed that Diamonds are a woman’s best friend, and this sentiment is shared by women all over the world. The   iconic ‘Hollywood’ movie ‘Diamonds are Forever also immortalized the deep significance of a diamond. So, the next question that arises in mind is what is that characteristic which has made it a much popular and sought-after piece of jewellery since ancient times.

The answer to that is its hardness and its ability to disperse light; thus, giving it the characteristic of “fire”. The four main aspects on which a ‘Diamond’ is graded and certified are its ‘Colour’‘Cut’‘Clarity’ and ‘Carat’. According to historical records, the process of diamond mining and the use of diamonds as jewellery pieces have been mentioned in ancient texts also. So, let’s take a look at the definition of a diamond, its significance and its benefits to mankind.

What is Diamond?

The most accurate and scientific definition of a diamond is “It is a mineral that is composed of pure carbon, and it is the hardest known natural substance in the world.” Furthermore, it is believed that the formation of diamonds takes place deep under the earth’s crust, under extremely high temperatures and pressure. It is also believed that some diamonds take a few months to form; whereas, others take as long as millions or billions of years.

The physical hardness of a diamond makes it ideal for industrial, military and medical usage etc. An Interesting bit of information about a diamond is that the attribute of its colour comes from the interaction of the trace elements during its formative period. The use of diamond for its earlier mentioned characteristics has made it a much popular and sought-after natural gemstone since antiquity.

Significance of Diamond:

The value and significance of diamonds have been deeply ingrained in our minds and texts since ancient times. According to historical records, reports of the diamond trade have even been mentioned in ‘Kautilya’s ‘Arthashastra’. Further, in the ancient Indian language, ‘Sanskrit’‘Diamond’ has been referred to as ‘Vajra’ which has been attributed to the thunderbolt weapon used by the deity Lord Indra’ in Hindu mythology.

It has also been believed according to ancient Indian scriptures, that diamonds have been divided into 8 different categories, based on their colour and hue. The use of diamonds as sparkling jewellery pieces, adorning the Hindu gods and goddesses has been a popular practice since ancient times. Also, according to ancient texts, it is believed that our ancient physicians had made use of diamonds as a remedy to cure many diseases and disorders. It was believed during those times that diamonds have immense powers because of the combination of different flavours. Also, as per ‘Vedic Astrology, the diamond has been associated with the planet of wealth, that is ‘Venus’, or, ‘Shukra’.

Also, as per historical records, one of our most historically significant diamonds, known as the ‘Kohinoor Diamond’ adorns the ‘British Crown Jewels’ as of now. The use of diamonds in the jewellery industry has been in practice for a long time and some instances of well-renowned diamond jewellery pieces are diamond rings, necklaces, pendants, bracelets etc.

We also know the significant usages of diamonds in modern military, industrial and medical etc sectors. Some of the significant uses of diamonds are:

  • Diamonds have been used in making beautiful and exotic jewellery sets since ancient times.
  • They are also used for various industrial purposes like cutting, grinding etc for their characteristic of being the hardest natural substance in the world.
  • Diamonds are also used in the medical sector. Many important branches of surgery like laser surgery and eye surgery make use of diamonds as an important component in their pieces of equipment.
  • They are also used for making glass panes and windows etc.
  • Diamonds are now also being used in the cosmetic industry in the form of ‘Diamond Dust’. It is believed that they can be useful in the removal of wrinkles etc.

Benefits of Wearing a Diamond:

The significance of diamonds have been very well-known and established for a long time. Let’s now take a look at some of the important benefits of a diamond.

  • As per ‘Vedic Astrology, the diamond is associated with the planet of wealth, i.e. ‘Venus’, or ‘Shukra’. Therefore, it is believed to bring wealth and fortune to the wearer.
  • It is believed that diamonds are greatly beneficial in removing mental anxiety and stress.
  • It is a well-known fact that the planet ‘Venus’ is associated with its ability to bring about love, prosperity, fame and success to the wearer. Therefore, it is always ideal to wear a piece of diamond jewellery.
  • Diamonds are also thought to be beneficial for people engaged in the entertainment or creative industry.
  • Diamonds are believed to possess divine healing powers since ancient times. That is why they were so popular in curing many diseases and ailments during those times.
  • Diamonds are found to be beneficial in enhancing the appearance, strength and intelligence of a person.
  • Diamonds are believed to infuse the wearer with vitality and energy.

Who can wear a Diamond?

We all know that diamonds have been the most desired and cherished jewellery items for women all over the world. We also know how significant and beneficial diamonds have been for mankind for ages. However, not everyone can wear a diamond.

Some important considerations have to be taken in mind while thinking of wearing a diamond:

  • It is believed that people who are born under the ‘Libra’ and ‘Virgo’ Sun signs can wear a diamond.
  • Furthermore, it is also believed that people born under the ‘Aries’, ‘Pisces’, or ‘Scorpio’ Sun signs should not wear a diamond.
  • People also having ‘Taurus’ as a Sun sign can wear a diamond.

Diamond Price:

Since the value and significance of a diamond are based on the cut, colour, clarity and carat of a diamond; therefore diamond buying becomes an expensive affair. According to the latest reports, the price of one Diamond is equivalent to 1,627.45/- Rupees in India. Prices of diamonds also vary according to their sizes, shapes, and sparkle in the jewellery pieces.

Related Guides:

  1. “The Ultimate Diamond Buying Guide: How to Choose the Perfect Stone”
  2. “The 4 C’s of Diamonds: What You Need to Know”
  3. “The Fascinating History of Diamonds: From Ancient Times to Modern Day”
  4. “Diamonds 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Buying and Caring for Diamonds”
  5. “The Different Types of Diamond Cuts: Which One is Right for You?”
  6. “How to Identify a Real Diamond: Tips and Tricks for Spotting a Fake”
  7. “The Art of Diamond Appraisal: Understanding the Value of Your Stone”
  8. “The Ethics of Diamonds: What to Consider When Buying a Diamond”
  9. “The Role of Diamonds in Fashion and Culture: A Brief Overview”
  10. “How to Clean and Maintain Your Diamonds: Expert Tips and Tricks”

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