Endearing Aspects of Ruby Gemstone

A Ruby is believed to be a cardinal part of all traditional gemstones along with amethyst, sapphire, emerald and diamond. Today, we are going to talk all about the special aspects of ruby gemstones, their significance and their impact on our daily lives.

Rubies! Diamonds! Pearls! The very name of these precious gemstones invokes a craving, a sense of possession and desire amongst women all over the world. Not only do women of all ages desire to possess these precious gems in their jewellery; but even men too have a craving for these in various aspects of their life.

For instance rubies and diamonds are believed to be pure in quality and also said to possess qualities that can convert all negative energies into positive energies. That’s why we can see people wearing different kinds of rubies and diamonds in the form of rings, amulets, bracelets etc according to the suggestions made by their astrologers.

These gemstones have a unique relationship with the celestial bodies up above and have a very strong significance in a person’s life. Even the famous Hollywood movie, James Bond, ‘Diamonds Are Forever, immortalized the significance of these gemstones. A Ruby is believed to be a cardinal part of all traditional gemstones along with amethyst, sapphire, emerald and diamond. Today, we are going to talk all about the special aspects of ruby gemstones, their significance and their impact on our daily lives.

What is a Ruby Gemstone?

First of all, we have to understand what a Ruby gemstone is. The definition of the word ‘Ruby’ comes from the Latin word “Ruber”, which means red, sometimes it can also be pinkish-hue in colour. You would also be amazed to know that in the ancient Indian language, ‘Sanskrit’; ruby was also called ‘ratnaraj’, which means ‘king of the jewels’.

Ruby is a part of the rich mineral resources found deep underneath the surface of the earth, and sometimes, underneath the ocean beds too. It’s a variety of the mineral corundum; which is aluminium oxide. Rubies are considered to be one of the most popular and durable gems and are an essential component in all traditional jewellery sets all over the world. 

Now, it would be interesting for you to know that the quality of a ruby is determined by its colour, cut and clarity. These three qualities along with its carat value increase its value and significance in world markets. 

Furthermore, the brightest shade of red, which is called pigeon blood, commands large attention and demand than other rubies of similar qualities. The next important thing to search for in ruby is its clarity. Though just like diamonds, a clear stone will have more premium, if a ruby does not have its natural needle-like inclusions; that means that it has been treated by other artificial procedures. A Ruby gemstone is also considered to be the traditional birthstone for July and is usually pink in colour.

Here is another interesting fact; ruby gemstones have always had a historical significance and popularity in world history. These ruby gemstones were historically called ‘The Black Prince’s Ruby’ and have a strong presence in the ‘British Imperial Crown’. For instance, ‘The Kohinoor Diamond’, has a strong cultural and historical significance and connection with India. Also, earlier, these gemstones were once known as “Balas Rubies“.

Now, let’s find out about the physical characteristics of a Ruby gemstone.

Physical Properties of Ruby:

Did you know that rubies are formed under the earth’s surface under immense pressure and extremely hot conditions? They are believed to consist of oxygen atoms called corundum and aluminium, which turn into liquid form due to heat and huge pressure from the earth’s layers. They then seep into the igneous or metamorphic rocks; it is here, when the liquid cools, it takes the shape of colourless crystals. When traces of other minerals come in contact with these colourless crystals, it is then that they turn red, pink, blue and yellow.

Rubies are believed to have a mineral hardness of 9.0, measured on the Mohs scale.

Sapphires and Rubies are considered to be the purest of corundum minerals.

The red colour of a ruby gemstone is obtained if one per cent of aluminium ions are replaced by chromium in a ruby; the yellow-green absorption process results in the red colour of the ruby gem. This is as per research conducted by geologists and mineralogists.

All natural rubies are believed to have needle-like inclusions in them.

The lustre of a ruby gemstone is attributed to the fluorescent emission of 694-nanometre-wavelength red light, which is considered to be the source of its red colour.

Now, let’s find out a bit about the unique qualities of these ruby gemstones that make them so popular and in demand in pieces of jewellery the world over.

Qualities of a Ruby Gemstone:

It’s a known fact that rubies command the highest price among all gemstones. The colour, cut and clarity of ruby gemstone have been the three most important factors that have made it one of the most expensive components in any jewellery set. Let’s find out a bit more about these three qualities.

Colour of Ruby:

The most important factor of a ruby is its colour. It is believed that the finest ruby has a pure, vibrant red to a slightly pinkish-red colour. According to the latest jewellery magazines, a pure red ruby is believed to be the most expensive in the market; as compared to other rubies which have overtones of orange or yellow and are less valued.

Also, it is important to know that the colour of the ruby gemstone has to be perfectly red; that is neither too dark, nor too light. As if the colour of the ruby gemstone is too dark, it is believed to harm the stone’s brightness. Similarly, if the colour is too light, then it might be considered a pink sapphire, even if the colour strength or intensity is high.

Clarity of Ruby:

According to experts in the field of study of gems, all-natural inclusions in a ruby gemstone are to be expected if they are to be considered to be pure. The value of a ruby gemstone is determined by the visibility of the natural inclusions it has. However, it is also pointed out that these inclusions can reduce the transparency or brightness of ruby gemstones. Thus, drastically reducing its value.

Although, a ruby’s purity can only be determined by the mineral inclusions called needles. Needles can be short or long and slender and they might appear to be woven together in intersecting groups called silk. It is also believed that rubies can contain needles composed of other minerals. Having said that, needles can also contribute positively to ruby gemstones’ appearance.

The presence of silk in a ruby gemstone can scatter light across facets that otherwise might have looked dark. This can add softness to the colour and spread it more evenly across the ruby gemstone. Intersecting needles can also cause the star effect, called asterism.

Cut in a Ruby Gemstone:

It has been found that several factors affect the cut and proportion of ruby gemstones in the market. The most unique feature of a ruby is its crystalline shape which dictates its suitability for specific cuts to be made on the gemstone.

Although the most common shape of a ruby gemstone is that of a flat tabular hexagonal shape. The most common shapes of ruby gemstones that are found in jewellery sets are ovals and cushions, along with brilliantly cut crowns of kite-shaped and triangular facets.

There are also shapes found in step–cut pavilions with concentric rows of rectangular or square facets. Round, triangular, emerald-cut, pear and marquise rubies are also found but these shapes and sizes are larger and hence, rare to find. 

Now, let’s try to find out about the varieties of these ruby gemstones.

Varities of Ruby Gemstone:

Ruby gemstones can be found in different varieties. Some of these varieties are:

  • Burma Ruby: – It is exceptionally red and usually found in Burma.
  • Pigeon’s Blood Ruby: – This is the most desired and highly valuable of all the Ruby gemstones in the world.
  • Ruby Fuschite: – This is a dark red Ruby found in a green Fuschite matrix which is found especially in India.
  • Ruby Zoisite: – This is a mixture of opaque –red Ruby in green Zoisite and it is found in Tanzania.
  • Star Ruby: – This is the most popular version of a Ruby gemstone. This has a very unique feature of displaying asterism, most often in the form of a six-rayed star.

Let’s see where all in the world Ruby gemstones are mined.

Places Where Ruby Gemstones are minded?

We have seen till now the various kinds of ruby gemstones and the kinds of qualities they possess. Now let’s see where all these ruby gemstones are mined.

  • Burmese Ruby: They are deep red and some of the finest Ruby gemstones are mined in the area of Mogul, in the north of Burma. These rubies are like rose petals being dark red and are considered as being some of the best rubies in the world.
  • Sri Lankan Ruby: Rubies can also be found in Ratanpur mines of Sri Lanka. However, the rubies here are believed to be average lustre as compared to Burmese rubies.
  • Thailand Ruby Gemstone: Most of the ruby mines are in and around Bangkok in Thailand. The Thai rubies are considered to be of better quality than the Burmese and Sri Lankan rubies; and hence, are more expensive. The Thai rubies are said to be also deep red and possessing them is considered to be something that only the upper echelons of society can achieve.
  • Indian Ruby Gemstones: Indian rubies are considered to be one of the finest quality rubies and have great value and cost in the international market. Most of the ruby mines are located in Rajasthan. 
  • Kabul Ruby Gemstones: Kabul, Afghanistan, is said to be well known internationally for supplying some of the finest qualities of ruby gemstones in the world. The mines in Kabul are said to produce ruby gemstones that are deep red and also of the highest quality. Kabul Rubies are exported worldwide.

Benefits of wearing a Ruby Gemstone:

We have seen and heard about the exceptional qualities that ruby gemstones possess. The striking metaphysical properties and appearance of these ruby gemstones are believed to exude energy and vitality. It is also believed that a powerful ruby gemstone can bring incredible positive changes in anyone’s life.

  • Gives Mental Strength:  According to Vedic Astrology, ruby is said to represent the Manipura or navel chakra in a person’s body. It is further believed that it stimulates this chakra to remove all negative emotions and sense of low esteem from a person’s psyche by filling it with bounds of unrestrained positivity. A Ruby gemstone is always associated with the Sun; that’s why in ancient Indian texts it was referred to as “ratnaraj”, i.e. “king of the gemstones.”
  • Improves Family Ties:  In Indian mythology, Sun is revered as the ‘father figure.’ The same thing is believed in Vedic Astrology also. Hence, wearing a ruby gemstone is believed to cast a positive impact on the paternal and family relationships of the wearers. It is strongly believed that wearing a ruby gemstone associated with the correct Zodiac sign, will help in removing all the stress and tensions prevalent in family life. 
  • Harbinger of Fame and Popularity:  Astrologers always suggest to their clients to wear a ruby gemstone which will bring name and success in their field of profession. It is said that a Ruby gemstone has the quality to encourage creativity and self-confidence in a person which would enable that person to achieve great success in life.
  • It can ward off evil:  We have always seen people wearing lucky charms, rings, amulets etc to ward off all the negative energies of the cosmos. Ruby gemstones have the unique quality to ward off all kinds of negative energies. According to astrologers, the direct contact between a ruby gemstone and the raw skin results in transcending the power of the chakras. As a result, a person can surely find positive changes taking place in his or her life. However, it is always suggested by astrologers that only untreated and natural ruby gemstones only should be worn.
  • It helps in rejuvenating Mental and Physical Health: Our ancient mystics and great learned men found out in their research that ruby gemstones contain the unique inherent power of healing energies within themselves. Ruby gemstones are believed to restore vitality, improve eyesight, enhance blood circulation in the body etc among their many abilities.

    That is why it was prescribed in ancient medicine that wearing a ruby gemstone in a copper or ‘Panchdhatu’ ring will help people who are suffering from Vitamin D deficiency. This will help them in getting rid of their deficiency. This also people who are suffering from health issues like indigestion, spinal problems, diarrhoea etc.

    Also, it has been associated with the ‘Sun’, and Sun is considered to be the giver of energy, and vitality and also believed to help in warding off negative thoughts and energies like self-doubt, low confidence, depression etc. Therefore, it is also a great help in rejuvenating mental and emotional health as it rejuvenates the chakras and infuses positive energies and vitality into them.
  • It helps provide Marital Happiness and Harmony:  A Lot of times it has been seen that people suffering from marital problems end up visiting astrologers. Well, most of these couples blame it on their fate having to end up like this. According to Vedic Astrology, this happens only when the celestial bodies are wrongly placed at the wrong time in a person’s life. A correct Ruby gemstone, however, can remove this hurdle from the lives of people who are suffering from such kind of problems. 

A Ruby can bring about positive changes in a couple’s lives and thus enable them to live a long sustained happy and healthy married life. That’s why it’s no wonder that ruby is the ideal choice for any engagement and marriage ring.

Till now we have seen the positive qualities and benefits of a ruby gemstone and how it can completely transform anybody’s life. However, there are certain negative aspects attached to it also. If the right ruby is not worn at the right time, it can devastate a person’s life. Let’s find out a bit about the negative aspects of a ruby gemstone.

Negative Effects of Ruby Gemstone:

By now we know that a Ruby gemstone is considered to be the ‘king of all gemstones.’ As it is related to the ‘Sun’, the supreme celestial body in the cosmos and also the ruler of the Zodiac. It has been believed according to Vedic Astrology, that a natural ruby gemstone can restore youth and vitality and is also the symbol of eternal love. However, certain precautions should be taken to ward off the negative side-effects of ruby gemstones, which are:-

  • One should only wear a natural ruby gemstone. If someone wears a man-made ruby, the results may not be the same as that of a natural ruby gemstone.
  • One should always consult an astrologer before wearing a ruby gemstone. Otherwise, incorrect rituals of wearing rubies can cause harmful effects on a person’s life.
  •  If the position of the Sun is not favourable to certain houses, it is like to cause more problems in an individual’s life.
  • One should take the utmost precaution of not buying a ruby gemstone that has been bought back by the jeweller. As the resold ruby gemstone might now contain some of the harmful effects of its previous owner and it may affect the current owner also.

So you can see from the above article how significant and deep an impact a ruby gemstone has on a person’s life. That’s why it has always been suggested that it is beneficial only if one wears ruby gemstone which is pure and natural. As it is only the natural ruby gemstone that will have all power to harvest the positive energies and infuse them into a person’s life cycle.

Related Guides:

  1. “The Ultimate Ruby Guide: Everything You Need to Know About These Precious Gemstones”
  2. “The Fascinating History and Cultural Significance of Ruby Gemstones”
  3. “Ruby Gemstones 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Buying, Caring for, and Appraising Rubies”
  4. “The Different Types of Ruby Gemstones and Their Unique Properties”
  5. “How to Identify and Evaluate the Quality of Ruby Gemstones”
  6. “The Many Uses of Ruby Gemstones in Jewelry, Art, and More”
  7. “Ruby Gemstones: The Ultimate Symbol of Love and Passion”
  8. “The Different Ways Ruby Gemstones Can Be Cut and Polished”
  9. “How to Care for and Maintain Your Ruby Gemstones”
  10. “The Latest Trends and Styles in Ruby Gemstone Jewelry”

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